Here are our new or returning varieties for 2022. We hope you love them as much as we do!
Plant: After last frost

Citrullus lanatus

25 seeds/pack   |   78 days

Yellow watermelon? That's right, and so good! This melon is so sweet and juicy that you can eat most of the rind too. It is an icebox size, 5-8 lbs with butter yellow flesh and colorful dark and light green exterior.  The small size makes it perfect for a one-sitting feast.  This melon is well suited to short season climates as it will mature early. Selected by Dr. Alan Kapuler. 


Plant: After last frost

Cucumis melo

25 seeds/pack   |   80-90 days   |   Heirloom

This cantaloupe has been our farm favorite for several years.  With sweet thick flesh, at 2 lbs, these melons are small enough for one or two servings.  They do well in regions with a shorter season where there is ample daytime heat but the night time temps dip down. They grew in such abundance this year that we froze 10 gallons of flesh while we were seed saving.  Perfect for smoothies!


Plant: After last frost

Cucurbita pepo

20 seeds/pack   |   55 days

This vigorous variety will feed the masses with prolific and early yields of golden zucchini with superb flavor and texture. We enjoy these sautéed, steamed, grilled, grated and dehydrated as chips. Selected by Swiss Seed company Sativa Rheinau. 


Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Beta vulgaris

50 seeds/pack   |   55-60 days   

This heirloom red beet produces the best of both worlds with sweet large red roots and succulent large green leaf and stem tops. The roots can grow to a very large size but stay sweet and are a great choice for winter storage right in the garden!


Plant: After last frost

Helichrysum bracteatum

100 seed/pack

Beautiful and colorful mix of papery blooms all summer long. These are great as fresh or dried cut flowers. The flowers are used to make essential oil and have several medicinal uses. Surface sow the tiny seeds and do not cover with soil as they need light to germinate. Transplant to the garden when danger of frost is past. Native to Australia. 


Plant: After last frost

Zinnia elegans

40 seeds/pack    |   75 days 

These gorgeous blooms with red to lime colored blooms are, in my opinion, the jewel of the Queen Lime series. Blooming from June till frost, it offers a long season of semi to double blossoms when deadheaded regularly. Zinnias grow well direct seeded or started in trays and transplanted.


Plant: After last frost Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Papaver somniferum

200 seeds/pack   Heirloom

These stunning poppies are brilliant red with a pure white cross in their centers and resemble the Danish flag. Poppies can be sown in the fall with the rains or in early spring for climates with winter snow cover. They like to germinate in cool soils. Scatter seed on well prepared soil and water in to cover.


Plant: After last frost

Coreopsis tinctoria

100 seeds/pack

Fast growing herb native to the north American plains. The showy yellow flowers with maroon centers are low growing, deer resistant, used medicinally and produce a deep golden plant dye. Direct sow or start in trays and transplant. 


Plant: After last frost

Curcubita pepo

20 seeds/pack | 100 days | Heirloom

This heirloom pumpkin dates back to the late 1800s and has been loved ever since for its sweet orange flesh perfect for pies, soups and bakes. Winter Luxury is a mid-sized squash that can just about be used in one meal, with the leftover puree frozen for some later date. The vines crawl rampantly and each plant will produce 3-5 fruits with pale orange and finely netted skin.
