Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Pisum sativum

25 seeds/pack |  60 days

Hands down a fantastic pea to grow! Yellow pods grow 3-4 inches with scarlet/purple flowers. Even the vines have a slight yellow tinge. Sweet enough to eat fresh and GREAT in stir-fry. These vigorous vines love to climb!


Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Pisum sativum

25 seeds/pack   |   45 days

Aptly named, this pea outperforms them all in sheer size.  Peas grow to 5-6 inches long and almost a full inch wide. Great flavor, cook anyway you please. Bred by Dr. Alan Kapular of Peace Seeds.


Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Pisum sativum

25 seeds/pack   |   60 days

Large succulent pods are GREAT in stir-fry, quiches or any other dish you can dream up.  Prolific vines produce masses of large, flat-podded peas late into the pea season. Peas are 3-4 inches long and nearly an inch wide. This variety will climb 5-6 ft or more if a sturdy trellis is provided. Pea weevil damage is present in some seeds. Pea seeds have been treated to kill any pea weevil larvae by freezing the seed for 3 weeks. 


Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Pisum sativum

25 seeds/pack   |   60 days

We are pleased to offer this PURPLE podded snap pea bred by Alan Kapuler of Oregon. One friend, upon visiting our garden this spring, said he could 'taste the purple'! The vigorous vines will easily climb to 6 feet and above. If you have ever watched a pea growing you've noticed the tendrils that cling to the trellis. This variety has tenacious hyper-tendrils! With purple blossoms as well as pods it is a real treat to watch grow!

Photo courtesy of Nature and Nurture Seeds


Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Pisum sativum

25 seeds/pack   |   60 days

Sugar snap peas set a standard for sweetness.  These fat podded peas reach their peak of sweetness when the pods seem to be bursting with the peas inside. The vines will climb 5-7 feet and produce white flowers. Eat fresh, cooked or freeze these sweet treats. Our winter garden is full of these this year as they have readily reseeded themselves from spring!
