Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon

30 seeds/pack | 70 days

Blush tomato, bred by Fred Hempel at Green Bee Farm, stands out with a stunning color palette in warm hues. The flavor has a sweet complexity that keeps you popping this prolific producer of elongated two inch fruits. The vigorous vines benefit from staking and are indeterminate. New farm favorite for 2020!


Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon

25 seeds/pack   |   75-80 days  

Atomic Grape was named by plant breeder Bradley Gates of Wild Boar Farms in the Napa Valley of California. The goal of Brad is to "create the most amazing tomato varieties there are." Here is how he describes this variety. "Indeterminate. These elongated multi-colored large cherries grow in clusters. Lavender and purple striped when immature, turning to green, red / brown with anthocycnin blue stripes when fully ripe. The interior is green with a blushed red when extra ripe. This amazing variety is delicately sweet. The fruit holds well on the vine and post harvest. The wispy foliage but produces a lot of fruit."

You can read about Wild Boar farms here


Solanum lycopersicon
50 seeds/pack  I  80-100 days to maturity  I   Heirloom
Brandywine tomatoes are extremely edible and have come to typify everything an heirloom tomato should be. This summer classic is full of rich flavor and can weigh up to 1 lb each. Start tomatoes indoors 6 weeks before last frost.

Plant: After last frost
Solanum lycopersicon
50 seeds  I  70 days  I  New Breeding!
Meet the new California Sungold tomato! These open pollinated beauties are large on flavor and productive. They are vigorous and slightly larger than the classic hybrid. Bred by Seed rEvolution now they will not disappoint!

Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon 

50 seeds/pack | 60-70 days | Heirloom

Classic large red cherry tomato. Fruits are 1 inch in diameter. A mouth-watering tomato that bursts open as you bite them. Prolific and disease resistant. Good choice for shorter seasons. Bred by the late Alan Chadwick of the UCSC Chadwick Gardens, who was a leading innovator of organic farming techniques. Indeterminate.


Plant: After last frost

Lycopersicon esculentum

50 seeds/pack | 65 days | Heirloom

This farm-favorite tomato is a fantastic all-around kitchen variety. We love it sliced for salads and sandwiches. An heirloom from the Ukraine, it is large and dark red and very prolific. It is the deep sweet tomato flavor that really clinches the deal though. Especially sun warmed from the vine! Indeterminate.


Solanum lycopersicon

50 seeds/pack   |   85 days   |   Heirloom

Dating back to the early 19th century this tomato has long been a favorite in Italy for fresh eating and widely known for superb sauces and juice. The high acid content off set with a deep sweet tomato flavor gives this odd looking heirloom high marks in the old and new world alike. We were astounded by the prolific nature of this knobby lobed tomato. Fruit set began early and did not stop until the frost was upon us. Even through the hot northern California weather we continued to get fruits. The high seed content also makes this variety a seed savers dream.


Plant: After last frost
Solanum lycopersicon

30 seeds/pack | 90 days | Heirloom

Great for small spaces or container gardens, this Czechoslovakian heirloom produces large yields despite being a determinate variety. Born on sturdy branches the large 4-6” tomatoes have the perfect balance of sweet to acid flavor and are suitable for slicing and saucing!

Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon 

50 seeds/pack | 80-90 days | Heirloom

Hanging on their vines like grapes, these yellow/green cherry tomatoes will tingle your taste buds. Bred by Tom Wagner in 1986 from a yellow pear cherry and a large beefsteak heirloom. With a tangy sweet taste, many folks find these little fruits addictive. The plants stay compact but bear fruit for a long season. Although they are listed as a determinate variety we found them to be extremely prolific.

The famous tomato expert Carolyn Male wrote a book called 100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden. On the green grape she says, “First time growers of green grape have a tendency to fall in love with it after only one season. When you experience the unique spicy sweetness associated with green tomatoes for the first time, it's easy to become addicted.”


Solanum lycopersicon  

50 seeds/pack   |   80-90 days   |   Heirloom 

At maturity these ‘green’ tomatoes are yellow with green stripes and measure 1-2 inches. They are sweet/tart and prolific. Indeterminate.




Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicum

50 seeds/pack | 65 days | Heirloom

With a name that translates to 'yellow flame' this heirloom tomato has the shape and color of an apricot and an immensely satisfying sweet/salty flavor. They are great in salads, fresh, baked or dried. The 2-3 inch, deep orange-colored fruits grow in prolific clusters. Indeterminate. 


Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon 

30 seeds/pack | 70 days

Lucky Tiger is a bicolor cherry tomato Bred by Fred Hempel at Green Bee Farm. Dark green striping and shades of red fleck deepen in color when ripe. This oblong tomato has green flesh with hints of red mottling and makes a beautiful presentation. Deliciously tangy without compromising sweetness.


Plant: After last frost

Lycopersicon esculentum

50 seeds/pack | 70 days  l  Heirloom

This determinate paste tomato is a highly productive Italian heirloom. Fruits are large to 5 inches, very meaty with few seeds. Good flavor. Compact tomato bushes could be planted in containers for patio gardeners. For canning a determinate tomato can be a blessing since all the fruits are ready at nearly the same time. This allows the avid canner to preserve large batches all at once.



Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon 

50 seeds/pack | 85-90 day | Heirloom

Originating from Palestine, Ohio, this large 1-2 lb. and partially pleated red tomato is full of flavor. With few seeds it is large and juicy with amazing texture. This variety out-germinated the others in cool soil. It also began to ripen ahead of other large heirlooms. Indeterminate.


Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon

50 seeds/pack | 78 days

Prolific 1-inch fruits borne on vigorous indeterminate vines. These are among the very best cherry tomatoes we’ve ever tasted. Sweet and plentiful. Another original from Peace Seeds, de-hybridized from Sweet 100. High in vitamin C. These tomatoes get their name from a high content of gamma-amino butyric acid, which acts as a calming effect on the body. Indeterminate.


Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon 

50 seeds/pack | 60-80 days | Heirloom

This huge multi-colored heirloom weighs in at 1-2 lbs. When cut in half these fruits are truly stunning with a webbed pattern of yellow, orange and red colors. Everyone I know raves not only of their beauty but also the light and non-acid, almost fruity taste. It is a good idea to trellis these heavy fruits to keep them off the ground. They are also best eaten right away, as they don't tend to keep as well as some varieties. My favorite tomato to eat on a sandwich. Indeterminate.


Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon

50 seeds/pack   |   75-80 days  l   Heirloom

Well loved Italian Heirloom variety for its superior sun drying ability. Plants are absolutely loaded with small plum shaped fruits. They are possible to dry whole although we preferred to cut them in half and then dry on screens in our greenhouse. These become delicious snacks or can be re-hydrated for winter sauces and stews.


Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon

50 seeds/pack | 60-70 days | Heirloom

This Russian heirloom tomato bears prolific amounts of small to medium sized red fruits. An early producer that will continue to offer tomatoes until the first frost, this variety is ideal for canning and fresh eating. Its habit is fairly compact and would do well as a container tomato. We were truly impressed by the amount of fruits harvested from this variety. Indeterminate.


Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon

50 seeds/pack | 55 days | Heirloom

Small early tomatoes with good flavor. Expect high yields from this vigorous potato leaf variety. Crimson fruits. Good for short seasons, a cold-tolerant variety. A 1988 comparative tasting in the San Francisco area gave it first place for its wonderful sweet/acid, tomatoey flavor and production. Indeterminate.


Plant: After last frost

Lycopersicon esculentum

30 seeds/pack | 80 days | Heirloom

This Greek heirloom is a prolific producer of uniform baseball sized red fruits. With great flavor these tomatoes also resist sunburn and cracking due to dense foliage and rarely have blossom end rot. Over the years this variety stands out as a farm favorite slicer and sauce tomato. It was first introduced to the USA in the 1950s from Greece. Indeterminate.


Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon 

50 seeds/pack | 80-90 days

Smallish yellow tomato with a distinctive peachy fuzz on the skin. Delightful fruity flavor. It is easy to sit down and eat a few of these right off the vine; like eating sunshine:)


Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon 

50 seeds/pack   |  80-90 days

Large yellow to orange fruits have shape of a brandywine with a citrus flavor. Very beautiful with medium production. Definitely a great colored tomato! Indeterminate.


Plant: After last frost

Solanumn lycopersicon 

50 seeds/pack | 80-90 days | Heirloom

Zapotec is an heirloom originating from near Oaxaca, Mexico. They are the native tomato of the region.These large fruits are surprisingly light with little water weight and firm, sturdy walls suitable for grilling or stuffing. Pale red with many pleats. Sliced they resemble a lace doily. Light and elegant taste. These were a top taster's choice during our Tomato Tasting Fest 2011. Indeterminate.
