Plant: After last frost

Fagopyrum esculentum

100 seeds/pack   |   70-84 days   |   Heirloom

Excellent summer cover crop.  Loosens heavy soils and adds organic matter.  The roots of buckwheat are very fibrous.  It is also an excellent forage crop for pollinators that love the small white flowers.  We use it extensively in our seed gardens to lessen chances of cross pollination.  And of course, the dried seeds can be ground for human consumption.  Buckwheat pancakes anyone?


Plant: After last frost Plant: Early Spring or Fall

Phacelia tanacetifolia

50 seeds/pack   Heirloom

This California/Mexico native wildflower bears hairy foliage that has a deeply lobed, lacy appearance. A tight spiral uncoils to reveal sequentially opening flowers that form clusters no pollinator will ignore.  The season’s blossoms offer months of food for bees and more, so it is considered a must-have insectary plant. Grows 1-3”.


Plant: After last frost

Cosmos bipinnatus

50 seeds/pack    |   60 days 

This heavily flowering plant offers edible blossoms with edges in various shades of fuchsia that softly bleed into a lighter hued center of white to rosy pink. Showy, bushy growth provides habitat for pollinators, and it is a companion plant for corn and more. Beautiful on it’s own and a stunning addition to any flower garden or cut arrangement.


Plant: After last frost Plant: Early Spring or Fall
Asclepias speciosa
25 seeds/packet
Showy Milkweed is native to the western half of the USA and is best known as a host plant to the endangered Monarch Butterfly. Adults lay eggs on milkweed leaves and the caterpillars feed on the leaves. Seeds start easily in potting soil. Transplant to permanent location.
